Video Submissions

We want YOU to be a part of OSDFCon this year! Send us a short video (30-60 seconds) of you giving a quick DFIR tip, telling your favorite joke, dancing to a great tune, doing a fun magic trick, etc. We’ll play these during the breaks and you’ll get a hodgepodge of random tips, tricks, jokes, etc. Be creative or fun, but we want you to be part of the action.


  1. Videos need to be clean and appropriate
  2. Stick to 30-60 seconds. Longer videos (unless amazing!) will not be included
  3. Send it in landscape, not portrait (see below)
  4. They can be any topic you’d like but check out the themes below for the segmented themes or inspiration.
  5. You can be anonymous if you want.

Video Themes:

  • “You know you’re a DFIR professional when…”: Start the video this way and run with it.
  • Forensic Tool Frustrations: Tell us your biggest gripe of your favorite or least favorite forensics tools
  • Jokes: Got a funny or bad DFIR joke? We want to hear it!
  • Tips: Have a quick tip DFIR shortcut? Share it!

To submit your video, email it to by Nov 28.  Please let us know if you want to be anonymous. 

Record like this:

horizontal video

Not like this:

vertical video

(These are LIKE TikTok videos, but not actual TikTok videos.)